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[promo] Incessant - "Entropic Aeons" (Blackened Death Metal from Ireland) - Repose Records

Incessant, a blackened death metal band hailing from Dublin, Ireland, just released their new EP, Entropic Aeons, a few weeks ago, through Repose Records.

Artist: Incessant
Release Title: Entropic Aeons
Label: Repose Records
Release Date: July 26, 2024
Format: Digital, Cassette
Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Ireland

Incessant, a blackened death metal band hailing from Dublin, Ireland, just released their new EP, Entropic Aeons, a few weeks ago, through Repose Records. The band, featuring Conor Spierin on guitar and vocals, Alex Caffrey on bass, and Jamie Sweetman on drums, has developed a sound that blends the atmospheric elements of black metal with the raw intensity of death metal.

Entropic Aeons is a reflection of the band’s exploration into existential themes, cosmic reflections, and the origins of humanity. The EP features five tracks that showcase Incessant's signature unorthodox riffing and dissonant guitar work, drawing inspiration from both classic and modern metal influences. The band cites acts like Darkthrone, Root, Bolt Thrower, Negative Plane, Possession, Altar of Plagues, and Bölzer as indirect influences, while also incorporating elements of psychedelic, progressive, and post-rock into their music.

The recording took place at Studio 1 in Dublin with Shaun Cadogan of Last Light Recordings handling the production, mixing, and mastering. The result is a powerful and cohesive EP that pushes the boundaries of traditional blackened death metal.

Entropic Aeons is available digitally and on cassette.


  • Conor Spierin - Guitar/Vocals
  • Alex Caffrey - Bass
  • Jamie Sweetman - Drums


  1. Of Disillusion and Doctrine
  2. Upon The Cosmic Pyre
  3. Ephemeral Sanctity
  4. Transient Oblivion
  5. Entropy of Archons

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/incessant_ire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IncessantIRL
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3vIZsmkiUTM6OUw17Ncd2z?si=G9kvJ3ZDRw2lP58pwY8bTA
Bandcamp: https://incessant1.bandcamp.com/album/entropic-aeons

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