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[promo] Bloody Valkyria - "Kingdom in Fire"(6th September via Northern Silence Productions)

"Kingdom in Fire", is the upcoming debut release from Bloody Valkyria.

Artist: Bloody Valkyria
Release Title: Kingdom in Fire
Label: Northern Silence Productions
Release Date: September 6, 2024
Format: Digital, LP, CD
Genre: Epic / Melodic Black Metal
Country: Finland

"Kingdom in Fire" - Album PREVIEW

"Kingdom in Fire", a 6-track album with a runtime of 48 minutes, is the upcoming debut release from Bloody Valkyria, an epic/melodic black metal band from Finland.


  • Jere Kervinen: All Instruments, Vocals


  1. Flames Upon a Bridge (Kingdom in Fire pt.1) - 12:17
  2. Tears of Niniel - 3:34
  3. Thousand Caves in Blood (Kingdom in Fire pt.2) - 12:47
  4. Melian's Lament - 2:48
  5. Burning Citadel (Kingdom in Fire pt.3) - 14:06
  6. Timeless Echo - 2:40

Recording Info:

  • Recorded, Produced, Mixed, and Mastered by: Jere Kervinen at Moonless Home Studio

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